9 types of spirit guides
Whether you realize it or not, you have a team of thousands of beings in the spiritual realm dedicated to helping you on your journey. Their assistance ranges from protection and guidance, to encouragement and warnings. If you're intuitive at all you may be able to connect with them and access their guidance personally. Others go through psychics, mediums, and other spiritual channelers to get personal readings for their spirit teams. The idea of a spirit team can be a confusing and novel idea for a lot of people. Who is interested in dedicating their afterlife to helping you and why?
God/Source/The Divine
This Creative consciousness goes by many different names as he appears to people in different ways. Those with a religious background view him as an all-powerful and all-knowing being who created them, loves them, and leads them. Others view this consciousness as the source of all things, from which all spirits, realms, and beings were born. The common belief is this consciousness dwells in us and around us, that it's within everything, guiding, providing for, and spreading love to each of us.
Higher Self
Your higher self is the calm, patient, and complete spiritual guide within you. It's the part of your consciousness that knows your purpose and guides you toward it by pointing out your passions, what needs healing, and makes you think twice about how you react. This consciousness exists outside of space and time and because of this it's not limited to your current lifetime and circumstances. This consciousness is what we tap into when we want to manifest new outcomes because this version of you already has everything you want and need.
Angels have their own hierarchy and subclasses, but as far as we're concerned we can call in the archangels like Archangel Michael for protection and Archangel Raphael for healing and then we each have our own personal guardian angel that is with us at all times. Angels aren't allowed to assist us unless we ask for their help, but they're God's warriors and messengers, waiting in the wings (quite literally) for us to request their services. Sometimes in order to get our attention they will send us messages through angel numbers, repeating numbers with specific meanings that give us direction.
Spirit Guides
When I say "spirit guides," I mean the two to three beings who are with you regularly that actively guide and encourage you. These beings are the ones that send us signs and synchronicities and cause ear ringing when they try to connct with us. Of these two to three guides, one is your primary guide. It will be with you your entire lifetime and is the expert on you and your circumstances, and the one helping shape you into the person you're meant to become. The other guides are with you to teach you a lesson, to heal some piece of you, or to be with you through a transitional period. If you take the time to get to know your guides through readings you will discover their names, which gender they may identify more strongly with, and their purpose for being on your team. Occasionally a passed loved one will step in as one of our guides to help us through a particularly difficult phase or because we are struggling heavily with life. Once these temporary guides missions are complete, they change shifts with the next guides.
Your Spirit Team/Entourage
The rest of our spirit team, including our handful of spirit guides, can be one of six types of beings: humans, off worlders, non-corporeals, past life connections, ancestors, and animal guides.
- Humans are obviously people from Earth, but they can be passed loved ones or just people who felt pulled to guide you.
- Off-worlders are beings from other planets. These are starseeds who are located in other realms and on the other side, not currently on Earth.
- Non-corporeals are beings that have never incarnated. They've never had a physical body.
- Past life connections are people you've incarnated with before and they can come from to teach you something that's needed healing across lifetimes, or to share an experience from the past that would benefit you now. Past life connections can be currently reincarnated as part of your spirit team, because you are accessinf their higher self when seeking their guidance.
- Ancestors are family members from your past lifetimes that you can connect with for guidance. These are usually people in your soul family who reincarnate with you in each lifetime or frequent lifetimes and are invested in your well being.
- And finally, animal guides can be pets you've had in this lifetime and others, animals you've helped that crossed over, or spirit animals that appear to you frequently and bring a message. If you see a bunch of ravens, you may think to look up the spiritual significance of them and discover they mark a period of transformation in your life.
Learning to communicate with your spirit team is a game changer for those of us wanting to experience abundant living and fulfill our life purpose. It's important to learn meditation first, and then how to distinguish between the voices in your head. Before long, you'll be talking to your team like they're your best friend's in the flesh.